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Vacation Bible School 2019

July 7-11, 2019

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

This summer, kids will seek animals in rain forests, grasslands, frozen tundra, and even the Rocky Mountains with "IN THE WILD", the 2019 Vacation Bible School theme!


As kids explore different locales on the lookout for wildlife, they will also study eyewitness accounts of Jesus from the Gospels -  stories to help them zoom in and focus on Christ. 


Please fill out the registration form below and you will receive a confirmation letter in the mail explaining the details.

In the Wild.jpg

Registration Form:

Child's Name *

Child's BD *

Child's Last School Grade *

Parent/Guardian Name *

Allergies *

Parent/Guardian Email *

Child Address *

City, State, Zip *

Phone No. *


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